Super fancy pants adventure
Super fancy pants adventure

super fancy pants adventure super fancy pants adventure

The initial game was a hop-and-bop but later updates added in a pencil weapon and some new moves like wall-kicking, giving the game a flavor all its own. Sort of an ode to the better Sonic the Hedgehog games, in one way. If you haven’t played any of the Fancy Pants games before, they’re basically ultra-fluid platformers with great physics. The latest installment hit Steam in September of 2017, and a few weeks ago word got out that it would be coming to iOS as well.

super fancy pants adventure

No sooner than we all got complacent when – BAM! New Fancy Pants! Super Fancy Pants Adventure ($4.99), to be exact. That’s just what they wanted you to think, though. Fancy Pants and his creator were taking a well-deserved rest. New content and ports trickled out to other platforms in the following years, until it finally seemed like Mr. Remember Chillingo, friends? This is such a nostalgic review! Since the original game was designed to be played with a keyboard, it didn’t even hurt the game all that much when it moved over to touch controls. Somewhere during that process, an iOS version was made available by Chillingo. It proved incredibly popular, and its developer continued to build on it in his spare time, adding new worlds complete with new gimmicks and moves to play around with. That game did the most important thing a platformer can do to get going: polished its physics and controls to a fine, fine sheen. Fancy Pants, the titular character of Fancy Pants Adventures (Free), made his amazing debut. They had a whole bunch of the best Flash games in one place, along with seemingly thousands of, er, learning experiences. Anyway, back in 2006, if you were a Flash game developer, the place to be was Newgrounds. Yes, the one that doesn’t work with iOS and has largely gone the way of the dodo. It feels like a million years ago now, but at one point the most hopping hub for indie games was through web portals containing games built in Flash.

Super fancy pants adventure